If the erosion of our democracy and public assets has you feeling a certain shade of blue
then consider this...
In secret locations around the shire, many a hobbit is shunning the lure of their
shiny accessories
prepare for a bit of citizen rebellion... and you're invited.

We saved flyers from the 'Keep Our Assets' coalition that have since disbanded. They can't
legally use
them anymore
but there are no rules on how to recycle paper...
well, not yet that is.

A few options were trialled. The bunting was a labour of love and it wasn't exactly Wellington wind proof. Still, it was kindly
purchased as a gift
for 'Hero to the People', Helen Kelly. A wonderful woman with wonderful friends.
Without the need to blow $26 million, a flag design was chosen as the winner.
New Zealand's assets are for the benefit of all kiwis, not just those with the means to buy shares.
It is one thing to be forced into selling
off the family silver for a dire need and
it's quite
something else
to do so, to enable sweeteners come voting season.
Add to that, the growing privatisation of SOE's makes it difficult for NZ to adopt new technologies that will be
of benefit in
the long term
share holders are more inclined towards maximising returns in the short term.
As a result, the status quo is
up, profit is king and user charges increase.
If you agree and can think of a good pozzie to fly a mini 'protest' flag... then join in.

The flags are $1 each and we'll be sharing the profits evenly between Generation Zero, who are youth keen on creating a
thriving zero carbon future,
and with
Grey Power, who are wise elders lobbying against
further privatization
water, public state assets and SOEs.
Choose between two stick sizes - 5cm or 10cm.
shorter ones are ideal for jacket lapels and the longer ones are better suited for inserting
the pot plants
that line the corridors of 'power'. Let them act as peaceful little pitch forks to warn of larger ones to come if
inequality is not addressed.
Order here >>>
Our ancestors went to war and many lost their lives for us to enjoy democracy... and enjoy it, we plan to do.
Send in your photo's and let's have some fun
PS. If you're a fan of John Key's privatisation policies and would prefer the text be doctored to read
'Keep Our Ass' - well that could work too.